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Secuil Motivasi

 Beberapa tulisan motivasi penyemangat yang aku suka :)

Whatever your craft is, keep creating it. There is an incredible kid somewhere who wants to create it and you can lead by example.

Isn’t it amazing?

Whatever your article is, keep writing it. There is an incredible publisher somewhere who wants to create a clear article about it and you can lead by example.

Wow, isn’t that incredible?

Whatever your crisis is, keep finding a clear climate. There is an incredible cycle somewhere that wants to clear it, and you can lead by example.

That’s wonderful, right?


 “Bersungguh-sungguhlah kamu di dalam, maka kamu akan keluar dengan kesungguhan itu, tidak ada hukum terbalik.” –Dodik Mariyanto-

There is always a reason behind our existence in the world. Ada sesuatu hal di dunia ini, yang hanya bisa dilakukan oleh kita, bukan oleh orang lain. Maka, kerjakanlah tugas kita dengan sebaik-baiknya.


Tetapi, ingat juga pepatah ini:
“Even if you’re in the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” –Will Rogers-


So, do something!

Berubah atau Kalah!

For things to change, I must change first!
